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Japanese lacquer

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Kintsugi Course in Barcelona

Occasionally I provide few-weeks-long Kintsugi course in a workshop located in Barcelona.

Please check the dates here.

De tant en tant faig un curs de Kintsugi d'unes poques setmanes en un taller situat a Barcelona. Consulteu les dates aquí.

De vez en cuando imparto un curso de Kintsugi de unas semanas de duración en un taller ubicado en Barcelona. Por favor consulta las fechas aquí.

Kintsugi course

Need Kintsugi
for your beloved piece?

Please fill up the form below for Kintsugi repair service. Depending on the type of the material, Kintsugi cannot be applied.

Available in  English, Català, Español, 日本語

Please, make sure your email address is CORRECT!

Thanks for submitting!

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